Community Engagement

Other Groups to Engage
Conservation Community
Most TDC programs flicker into life sparked by a discussion around the conservation of some valued landscape at risk of conversion to another use. There is a delicate balance to maintained here as these discussions often take place without the participation of the owners of the land targeted for conservation! However, engaging this conservation community (be that conservation of agricultural land, historical resources, or ecological features) can be critical for at least three reasons.
First, these groups often have a wide community base, and can reflect a broader community goal. They become an important bellwether as to the acceptability or effectiveness of proposed conservation plans or strategies. Second, the administration of TDC programs often relies on third-party experts to help identify or monitor conservation opportunities, and these groups can play that advisory role. Finally, members of the relevant conservation community can become vital advocates and promoters of the TDC program, as a facet of achieving the broader conservation goal.
These groups may be in existence already (agricultural societies, historical societies, naturalist groups, land trusts, etc.), or they may be created or catalyzed by the municipality for the purposes of supporting the TDC program goals.
Council and Staff
The council and relevant staff of a municipality should be considered a key facet of the community, and efforts made to actively engage them. Because TDCs are a relatively new program in Alberta, all of these people will experience the same lack/variation in knowledge of the tool. Different departments (planning, agricultural services, conservation programming, etc.) will play different roles, and their participation is neither uniform nor should it be assumed.
Adjacent municipalities
To most people, the municipal boundary is an invisible line, apparent only because of a ‘welcome’ sign. When a TDC program is established along the edge of a municipality, its effectiveness is greatly impacted by the land use rules just across that invisible line. People continue to buy land, build developments, and/or conserve properties, effectively blind to this jurisdictional distinction. For example, if there are lower development controls ‘across the line’, developers will likely move one parcel over. As well, conservation-minded landowners will be seeking answers from their council when incompatible development arise ‘next door.’ Engaging adjacent municipalities in the planning and siting of TDC programs can greatly help to ameliorate these issues.
Provincial government
The provincial government plays a role of regulator of programs (through their role approving TDC programs under the Alberta Land Stewardship Act), but they are also a rich source of information and connections. As programs are developed within the municipalities, the Land Use Secretariat and Municipal Affairs will both benefit from knowing about evolutionary developments and be an important source of information.